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ISSN1001-3806 CN51-1125/TN Map

Guide to Authors

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Laser Technology (ISSN 1001-3806; CN 51-1125/TN) isan important academic journal sponsored by the Southwest Institute ofTechnology and Physics and published to the public at home and abroad. It is acore journal of natural science radio electronics, telecommunications, andChinese science and technology. It is one of the statistical sources ofscientific and technological papers in China. In order to ensure the quality ofperiodicals, general rules have been formulated according to national standardsand periodical arrangement rules.


1. Submissionagreement


1.1 Thecontributions must be innovative, academic, logical and readable. Website: manuscripts that meet the requirements in the preliminary review(necessary: the classification number of the Chinese Library, the introductionof the first author, the correspondence author, and the copyright agreement)will be accepted and entered into the review process.


1.2 We refuseto submit two copies of a manuscript, release a dissertation, or publish amanuscript in a foreign language, so as not to affect our retrieval in theinternational database. The review cycle of the manuscript is 3 months from thedate of receipt. If you have not received the review result of the manuscriptwithin the time limit, please check with the editorial department in time. Allcontributions will not be returned. Please keep your own copy.


1.3Manuscript appeal. If the author has any objection to the review result of thearticle, he can appeal to the editorial department. When the author appeals,please give the reasons for the appeal in detail according to the reviewopinions with objections. After receiving the appeal, the Editorial Departmentwill organize a special person to verify the issue. Once the appeal isconfirmed to be valid, it will arrange a third party to review and arbitratethe manuscript as soon as possible.


2.Requirements and precautions for contributions


2.1 Thecontributions should be innovative and attractive, with clear arguments,reliable data, sufficient argumentation, strict logic and concise words. Forthe specific format of the manuscript, please refer to the website template ofthe editorial department, which must include: title in Chinese and English,name, company, city and zip code of all authors, abstract, and keywords;Chinese library classification number, text (within 10000 words), references.The fund project and its number, the brief introduction of the first author andcorresponding author are described at the foot of the first page.


2.2 The titleshould properly and concisely reflect the specific content of the article, andshould not use abbreviations, acronyms, codes, etc. that are not known to thepublic; Avoid using non-specific words such as "research on...". TheChinese title generally does not exceed 20 Chinese characters. The Englishtitle should have the same meaning as the Chinese title.


2.3 Theabstract should be written in a reportable style, its content independent ofthe text, using the third person writing method, without using "I","this article", "author", etc. as the subject, withoutsegmentation, without marking the document number, and without formula as faras possible. The Chinese abstract shall not be less than 250 words, and theEnglish abstract (about 150 words) shall correspond to the Chinese abstract.


2.4 Thekeyword selection should be standardized, and should be selected from theChinese Thesaurus and the title as much as possible (more than 3). Importantterms in new disciplines and new technologies not included in the glossary arelisted after the subject words. Chinese and English keywords should beone-to-one correspondence. No abbreviations are needed for Chinese keywords.Write the full Chinese name. For English abbreviations, write the full namefirst, and add abbreviations in brackets. In addition, please list some keywords (words commonly used by readers in online fuzzy retrieval) of the subjectclassification (including major categories and sub-categories), so as toincrease the probability of being retrieved.


2.5 The useof quantities and units in the paper (including charts) shall be in strictaccordance with GB3100~3102-93 "Quantities and Units". It is notallowed to use nonstandard quantity names, symbols and illegal measurementunits. In the same article, a letter cannot represent two physical quantities,nor can it use different letters to represent the same physical quantity indifferent states, let alone several different ways to represent the samephysical quantity. In addition to the specially used symbols, the generalsymbols must indicate the meaning.


2.6 Thefigures and tables in the text should be self-explanatory and appear with thetext. The names of drawings and tables shall be attached with correspondingEnglish names. The illustrations must conform to the drawing specifications.EPS (or PDF): vector drawing, embedded in all fonts used; TIFF (or JPEG): coloror grayscale photos (halftone), at least 300 dpi; TIFF (or JPEG): Bitmapped(pure black and white pixels) line diagram, at least 1000 dpi; TIFF (or JPEG):Dot-matrix combination line/halftone (color or gray), at least 600 dpi. Thetext, symbol, and mark value and mark value line in the vertical and horizontalcoordinates in the drawing must be clearly written, and the legal unit ofmeasurement shall be used for the mark (generally not expressed in Chinese).All tables in the text should use the "three line table", and thecontents of the table should not be repeated with the contents of the figureand text.


2.7 Thesection number of the manuscript is sorted by the top grid of the three-leveltitle. The first level title is sorted as 0, 1, 2, 3,..., and the second leveltitle is shaped as 1.1, 1.2; 2.1, 2.2,... are sorted. The three-level titlesare as follows: 1.1.1, 1.1.2; 2.1.1, 2.1.2,... are sorted, and the introductionis not sorted.


2.8References shall be all kinds of documents that have been officially publishedat home and abroad in the past five years and have been cited in the text.


3.Identification and treatment of academic misconduct


Periodicalsmay encounter the following academic misconduct problems in the process ofediting and publishing: multiple contributions for one manuscript; Plagiarizeothers' achievements; Falsify data. Plagiarism refers to the author's attemptto take the work of others as his own. Repeated publication refers to theauthor's repeated use of most of the content of his published works withoutproviding proper reference, sometimes called self-plagiarism. It should benoted that unconscious plagiarism is also relatively frequent, for example,when the author repeatedly uses part of the content from his early papers.


The AcademicMisconduct Document Detection System (AMLC) of Science and Technology Journalsis a duplicate checking system developed by CNKI Research Center for ScientificResearch Integrity Management System. The Chinese articles submitted by theauthor to Laser Technologywill be checked for plagiarism through the Academic Misconduct DocumentDetection System (AMLC), Wanfang Data Paper Similarity Detection Service, andVip Paper Detection System. When an author submits to Laser Technology, it is deemed that he or she agrees that thejournal will check and compare his or her contributions with the publishedpapers, so as to prevent the occurrence of academic misconduct such asplagiarism and multiple submissions. This journal requires that the copy ratioof original papers should not exceed 10%, and that of summary papers should notexceed 20%. To learn more about AMLC, visit


4. Copyrightnotice


During thesubmission process of the official website of Laser Technology, the author signed a "copyrightauthorization agreement" with this magazine. If the manuscript is rejectedafter review, the agreement will automatically become invalid. The agreement will take effect immediately upon theemployment of the thesis. All authors agree to the statement and agreement inthe "Copyright License Agreement", that is, the right to reproduceand disseminate the whole thesis and the drawings, tables, abstracts attachedto the work or all other rights that can be extracted from the thesis,including but not limited to the right of reproduction, distribution,information network transmission, performance, translation, compilation Theright of adaptation and other rights are transferred to the editorialdepartment of Laser Technology.


5.Remuneration, review fee and layout fee


The articlespublished in Laser Technologyare free to all readers through the Internet. In order to pay the publishingfee, the journal charges the publishing fee (article processing fee), which ispaid by the author or his institution/sponsor. After the paper is published,the editorial department will pay a certain amount of remuneration to theauthor at one time and present the current sample.


The layoutfee will be paid after the article is accepted and an electronic invoice willbe issued.

Collectionstandard of review fee: review fee shall be charged as appropriate.

The chargingstandard of layout fee: ¥300yuan/printed page.

For moreinformation, please contact the editorial department.


6. Correctionand withdrawal policy


When theauthor finds that there are major errors or inaccuracies in his publishedworks, the author has the obligation to notify the journal editorial departmentin time and cooperate with the editor to withdraw or correct the paper.


Please notethe following correction and withdrawal policies:


1) Error. Thejournal will be notified of important errors, as well as their impact on thescientific integrity of published records or papers and the reputation ofauthors or journals.

2) Correction.The author will be notified of important errors and their impact on thescientific integrity of published records or papers and the reputation of theauthor or journal.

3)Withdrawal. The result of the original article is invalid. All partners mustsign the withdrawal agreement, indicate the error and briefly explain theimpact of the conclusion.

Decisions oncorrections are made by editors (sometimes with the advice of peer reviewers),which sometimes involve author consultation. Do not consider the correction(such as spelling errors or grammatical errors) that will not significantlyaffect the paper or impair the reader's understanding of the contribution ofthe paper


7. Articleacquisition and retrieval


The authorcan receive a free paper magazine at the beginning of the month following themonth of publication, and the standard of paper magazine is 2 copies/article.In addition, the author can also obtain paper publications throughsubscription. For subscription methods, see "Contact Us" - "PeriodicalSubscription" on our website.


The full textof all articles in Laser Technologyis also stored in the network database to ensure long-term digitalpreservation. You can also search the full text or bibliography through theofficial website of Laser Technology (www.jgjs. net. cn), the database of ChinaAcademic Journal (CD-ROM), Wanfang database and the China Optical JournalNetwork.


Officia lwebsite of Laser Technology:


Wanfang dataknowledge service platform:

Cqvip Web:

China OpticalJournal Network:

Open platformof national scientific and technological journals:

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